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Today's Riddle - A daily selection of new riddle questions
- 15
The white lady who sheds tears all the time. What is it?
View AnswerA candle.
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- 14
I fly out of the diamond, And, quite unplanned. Into a hand, Or a stand. What am I?
View AnswerA baseball
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- 18
Break me and I’ll continue to work, touch me and I might stay with you forever. What am I?
View AnswerA heart.
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- 2
What's the next number in this series? 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 100.
View Answer101. (Numbers that are not spelled with the letter 't')
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- 8
I cannot speak, I can only write. Over the years, I have many different appearances but I am still called by the same name. What is my name?
View AnswerA keyboard
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- 17
- 21
Silky and soft we are, perfuming your lives. Take us to your love, but beware of our knives. What are we?
View AnswerA rose.
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- 17
- 17
20 4 16 37 58 89 42. This sequence doesn't make sense. However, if you add a number among them, it becomes a cyclical sequence. Which number do you need to add, and between which numbers?
View Answer145 between 89 and 42. (Take the digits of the previous number, square them, then add them together.)
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- 3
The day is my night and the night is my day, when I shout and they shout back I run away. What am I?
View AnswerA bat (When a bat detects that an object is too near by the sound bouncing back too fast then they will move out the way)
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