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Random Riddle
- 16
There are are three things wrong wrong with this sentence. What are those three things?
View Answer1. The word 'are' is repeated. 2. The word 'wrong' is repeated. 3. The sentence creates a paradox. There are only two wrong things, the claim that there are three is false. But that is also the third thing, which makes it true.
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- 3
I have eyes that do not see. I have feet, but I can’t walk. I have a heart that does not beat. I have hands, but I can’t feel. What am I?
View AnswerA corpse.
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- 3
- 14
I fly out of the diamond, And, quite unplanned. Into a hand, Or a stand. What am I?
View AnswerA baseball
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- 14
A girl once got straight A+ grades and was given a gift by her teacher. "This is a special gift. If you're thirsty, it can quench your thirst. If you're hungry, it can still be beneficial. If you're cold, burn it and feel the warmth." What was the gift?
View AnswerA coconut. (Drink the milk, eat the fruit, burn the shell.)
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- 8
What runs, but never walks, has a mouth, but never talks, has a bed, but never sleeps, has a head, but never weeps?
View AnswerA river
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- 8
I cannot speak, I can only write. Over the years, I have many different appearances but I am still called by the same name. What is my name?
View AnswerA keyboard
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- 8
I can go from royalty to peasantry, Built in numbers, Luck, love, death, and riches are my specialty. Mix me and I’ll be either your best friend or your worst enemy. What am I?
View AnswerA deck of cards
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- 2
What's the next number in this series? 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 100.
View Answer101. (Numbers that are not spelled with the letter 't')
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- 3
The day is my night and the night is my day, when I shout and they shout back I run away. What am I?
View AnswerA bat (When a bat detects that an object is too near by the sound bouncing back too fast then they will move out the way)
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