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Random Riddle
- 17
I'm a turnip, turned down. Concerned, but I don't carrot all. I am what I yam. What am I?
View AnswerBeets me
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- 2
Many want me though I am never kept. I was lost when the king forever slept.
View AnswerPeace
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- 6
I create with my head, I destroy with my tail, I am as sharp and as long as a nail.
View AnswerPencil
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- 14
There are three chests, each containing 100 coins. One chest has 100 gold coins, one has 100 silver coins, and one has half & half. The catch: the chests are all labeled incorrectly. You may pull out just one coin from any of the chests, then you must identify which chest contains all gold coins. How do you do it?
View AnswerPick from the one labeled 50/50. If you pull a gold coin, you know the whole chest is gold. If you pull silver, you know the whole chest is silver, thus the one labeled gold must be 50/50 and the one marked silver is all gold.
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- 21
We sound like Eden as a pair. Make us weight, we won't play fair. Sometimes consensus, most times schism. Usually locked away in prism. If by chance you seek, then throw. The serpent sees where we meet low. We carry freight when we meet high, But separate us, and we die.
View AnswerA pair of six-sided dice.
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- 1
I had a family of nine, but was kicked from the house. I'm curiously silent, and ruled by a mouse. Who or what am I?
View AnswerPluto (Pluto the dog is 'ruled' by Mickey Mouse; Pluto the dwarf planet was previously considered part of the Solar system.)
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- 9
I am born blind. But see best when I am old and wrinkled. When I die, my children will eat me. What am I?
View AnswerPotato
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- 17
Gain a lot of me, you'll be heavy. Earn a lot of me, you'll be rich
View AnswerPounds
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- 4
You wake up naked and locked inside of a walk-in freezer. Brrrr! You only have so much time before you freeze and die. \n A steel pipe is sticking straight out of the floor. You look inside and see that the bottom is sealed, and sitting there at the bottom is the key to get out. \n Your wrist is too fat to fit inside the pipe. Tantalizing. Your killer must have mounted the pipe and then dropped the key inside as a joke. \n You look around the freezer to find anything else. All you find is a jar of salt and a glass pitcher of water that hasn't yet frozen. Markered on the pitcher of water are instructions: "dump this water on your head to turn into a cool popsicle"
View AnswerPour a good amount of water inside the pipe to encase the key in ice later on, and mix salt in the remaining water in the pitcher, so it doesn't freeze. \n When the key freezes in ice, salt it a little to melt it enough to loosen it from the pipe & floor. Pour the salt water into the pipe, causing the key-in-ice to float. Grab it, chip away at the key, and unlock the lock.
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- 14
There are 3 wooden crates. One labeled "Apples." One labeled " Oranges." One labeled "Apples & Oranges." They are all labeled incorrectly. You can reach into one crate, and pull out one fruit, and by doing so, you need to correct all labels. How can it be done?
View AnswerPull a fruit from the “Apples and Oranges crate. Let’s say you pull an apple out. That crate is full of apples. That means that the crate labeled oranges has to be apples & oranges because apples is already taken, and it is mislabel. That leaves the remaining crate to be oranges.
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