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Today's Riddle - A daily selection of new riddle questions
- 17
It takes less time for me to count down from 100 than it does from 75.
View AnswerMicrowave
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- 10
- 9
I’m not a liar nor a deceiver, I am telling the truth. But, everything I show is rather obtuse! I’m always correct, so please don’t scoff. But everything I do is a little off! Some things might seem fake, like a shooting star. I show things as they are! I can do many things, like show a criminal a felon. But some things are the same! No lemon, no melon.
View AnswerMirror (the last sentence is a palindrome)
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- 7
Everybody wants me, but rarely am I liked. Many people have me, but few can use me right. What am I?
View AnswerAuthority.
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- 8
The name of this town is both one and many, It's a place to get rich or lose every last penny. By chance and by chest you'll get all of your news, Our buildings are painted in bright festive hues. The poorest folk live down by one of two seas, The sherriff arrests us indiscriminately. A trip around town will lead to inflation, While you listen to one of our four local stations.
View AnswerMonopoly
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- 17
16 sodium particles walk into a bar, what/who comes next?
View AnswerBatman. (Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN!!)
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- 1
I am named after something that swings from the trees. When you have me, squeezing nuts is a breeze.
View AnswerA monkey wrench
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- 20
One falls but never breaks; the other breaks but never falls. They are opposites. They cannot coexist, but neither would know where they end or begin without the other.
View AnswerNightfall/Daybreak
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- 15
Three people came to a witch with personal difficulties or diseases. The witch told them that she would craft a brew to soothe their woes, but this panacea required certain ingredients. To the boatsman, she asked to bring back the rib bone of a shark. To the butcher, she asked for the blood of a mule's firstborn. To the baker, she asked for unleavened sourdough made from wheat's first harvest. The witch told them to never return until they came back with their ingredient. Who was the first to return?
View AnswerNobody. (Mules can't reproduce, sharks don't have ribs, sourdough is always leavened)
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- 5
A lamp shines in the dark. A friend bets money that you can't hit it with a rock from 30 feet away. You ask if it counts if the rock just barely touches it and he agrees. You then ask if you can toss something in place of a rock. He also agrees. What do you use to guarantee a win?
View AnswerA moth
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