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Today's Riddle - A daily selection of new riddle questions
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I'm in the field, I'm in your eyes, I'm on your phone, in backwards guise. What am I?
View AnswerAn iris
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I am not one thing, but two. All it takes is one word to separate us. We are a part of your body. What am I?
View AnswerLips
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I am turning 50 years old tomorrow- I am currently 49 and 365 days old, but not 50. How?
View AnswerIt's a leap year.
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Yesterday was a normal day for Liam. He woke up and did his normal routine, going outside at 8 to breathe in the fresh oxygen, then going in around 9 to brush his teeth. Later that night at 10 o'clock as he was partying under neon lights, he began to feel unwell. At 11 his Sodium levels dropped and he fell. They rushed him to the hospital and at 2 they tried to heal him. But at 3 little Liam didn't make it and he was gone. As the one in charge of his funeral, When should you bury Liam?
View AnswerAt 4. (All numbers hint toward the periodic table. Element number 4 is Beryllium, which is phonetically similar to "bury Liam")
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It kills scientists in seconds, Europeans take a little longer. Americans are unaffected.
View Answer70 degrees. (Kelvin would freeze scientists quickly, Celsius would cook Europeans, but Farenheit wouldn't be a problem for Americans)
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Mary has four daughters, and each of her daughters has a brother. How many children does Mary have?
View AnswerAt least 5.
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A man has a bee in his hand. What is in his eye?
View AnswerBeauty (Beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder)
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A dead body is found at the bottom of a multistory building. It looks quite clear that the person has committed suicide by jumping off from one of the floors. A detective comes, goes to the first floor and walks in the room facing the direction in which the body was found. He opens the closed window of that room and flips a coin towards the floor. He goes to the second floor and does the exact same thing till the last floor. Then, when he climbs down, he tells the team that it is a murder, not suicide. Why?
View AnswerBecause all the windows were closed someone would have had to have closed the window after the guy jumped.
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