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Today's Riddle - A daily selection of new riddle questions
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A man shot two arrows at its center and missed both times, but using a sword swung once at its center and hit it twice.
View AnswerDonut
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I live for but a single breath. Any touch could spell my death. A rainbow spins within my eye. Make me right, and I can fly.
View AnswerA bubble
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- 18
I go up, Though sometimes I am down. I can write, But I don't make a sound. I am the touchstone for lightness, But often I am black. I can help you to hit the sack.
View AnswerFeather
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- 13
Tongue without taste, Skin without bone, Sole without life, Useless alone. What am I?
View AnswerA shoe.
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- 13
I have 6 faces, but i don't wear makeup. I have 21 eyes, but i can't see. What am i?
View AnswerA die
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I live on the water, I live on the ground. When the wind blows, it spins me around.
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- 19
What is the next number in this sequence? 3, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, 3, 6
View Answer6. (one [3] two [3 letters] three [5 letters] four [4 letters] five [4 letters] six [3 letters] seven [5 letters] eight [5 letters] nine [4 letters] ten [3] letters eleven [6 letters] twelve [6 letters] )
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I'm left behind yet never taken, set down in a row. Seldom seen in isolation, captured by the snow.
View AnswerFootprints
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- 16
I have six eggs. Broke two, cooked two, and ate two. How many do I have left?
View AnswerFour
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