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Today's Riddle - A daily selection of new riddle questions
- 20
- 18
I blacken your breath, I spoil your grin, I hunt in a pack, And kill from within.
View AnswerA cigarrete
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- 3
What is weightless; can be seen with the naked eye; and, if you put it in a barrel, the barrel will be lighter (weigh less)?
View AnswerA hole
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- 19
I run but never walk. I sweep but do not mop. I quarantine but am no cop. What am I?
View AnswerAnti-virus
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- 11
When you hear my sound, I will soon become wound. My deliverer now, Can leave with a bow. I've come from your foe, At the end of the row.
View AnswerArrow
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- 10
Part of me is in a woman ready to be married but not in birds. Another part of me is in the same woman's partner and in company. Another part of me can be in four, five, six, seven or eight, but not in one, two, three, or nine. My other part... I'm not quite kind enough to show up anywhere. Jeez...that's not the right order, I'm mixed up. What's the word?
View AnswerLove (E from the first, O from the second, V from the third, and L because there's not an L in the riddle)
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- 7
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I have a face with no eyes, I stretch into the skies, but my adventurous guise leads to grisly demise. What am I?
View AnswerA cliff
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- 7
With a breath, I live. From my captor, I flee. Without feathers, I fly. But when freed, I die. What am I?
View AnswerA kite
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- 15
You may think me a bad parent, My children are in a downward spiral. But if they don't hit rock bottom, You may taste their blood and smile.
View AnswerMaple tree (maple trees have "helicopter" seeds that fall in a downward spiral. Maple trees are also tapped for their sap to make syrup.)
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