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Today's Riddle - A daily selection of new riddle questions
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My first is a creature whose breeding is unclear. My second, a price you must pay. My whole can be found in the river of Time and refers to events of today. What am I?
View AnswerA current
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What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 1/2 goat?
View AnswerChicago (CHIcken+CAt+GOat= CHICAGO)
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You do not want me to be permanent. But to avoid me is a mistake. You can let me help you. But precious time it will take.
View AnswerSleep
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If you have 3, you have 3. If you have 2, you have 2. But if you have 1, you have none. What is it?
View AnswerChoices/Options
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Inside me you’ll find flesh, blood and bone. I can let you know you’re not alone. I do not have a bottom or top. Yet still I can contain such a lot. What am I?
View AnswerA ring
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You may not want me for yourself, Despite being magical in nature. You might give me to somebody else, Which may cause them to be in danger.
View AnswerA curse
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I share a father with Polyphemus, And I am a cyclops too. But when it comes to sinking ships, I’m the better of the two.
View AnswerCyclone
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There is a 9 letters word in English, that you can remove one letter from to create another word in English, with 8 letters. You can than remove a letter from the 8 letters word created, to get a 7 letter word in English, which you can remove a letter from to get a 6 letters word in English, and so on until you are left with a one letter word. What is the original 9 letters word?
View AnswerStartling (Starling - Staring - String - Sting - Sing - Sin - In - I)
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