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Today's Riddle - A daily selection of new riddle questions
- 16
There are are three things wrong wrong with this sentence. What are those three things?
View Answer1. The word 'are' is repeated. 2. The word 'wrong' is repeated. 3. The sentence creates a paradox. There are only two wrong things, the claim that there are three is false. But that is also the third thing, which makes it true.
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- 3
The day is my night and the night is my day, when I shout and they shout back I run away. What am I?
View AnswerA bat (When a bat detects that an object is too near by the sound bouncing back too fast then they will move out the way)
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- 14
I fly out of the diamond, And, quite unplanned. Into a hand, Or a stand. What am I?
View AnswerA baseball
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- 4
A man was walking his dog on a hot day. All of a sudden, the dog stopped and began to paw a series of letters in the dirt. When he was finished, the letters read, “HIJKLMNO.” Immediately, the man knew that his dog wanted a drink of water. How did he know this?
View AnswerBecause it wrote from H to O. (H2O)
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- 19
When you feel me, you do not want others to hear me for I make unbidden loud noises telling others of my arrival. What am I?
View AnswerHunger
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- 17
I am Alone During the Day, I am Alone During the Night, but Twice a Day I see my friend. What am I?
View AnswerHorizon (touches the sun twice every day)
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- 2
I smell rotten and yet people put me in desserts and say I taste sweet. What am I?
View AnswerDurian
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- 9
A man has a heart attack in Tokyo and dies in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Minutes later, a woman in Virginia receives a phone call and learns that she has just been promoted. She is very upset, but has no choice but to accept the job. Why?
View AnswerBecause she is the Vice President of the United States.
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- 10
Beautiful lights, A land of much darkness. A city a-way, It might fit the Starks best. She shows her age, Her port has no flavor. In let the cook, Five species to savor.
View AnswerAnchorage. (You can see the northern lights from the anchorage area when conditions are right; The "land" of Alaska is known for long periods of darkness during winter months; It's a city. A-way is a play on 'Anchors a-weigh'. A hint for Anchor; Winterfell / Alaska ... I imagined the Stark family might feel at home; AnchorAGE - she shows her age; Port of Anchorage. No flavor as in not 'port wine', but a port city; Captain James Cook first sailed into present day Anchorage which sits on Cook inlet. Year 1775; Known for its Salmon. Of which there are 5 species.)
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- 8
I can go from royalty to peasantry, Built in numbers, Luck, love, death, and riches are my specialty. Mix me and I’ll be either your best friend or your worst enemy. What am I?
View AnswerA deck of cards
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