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    It's the middle of the night. A man wakes up from his slumber in a confused daze. Still in his day clothes, he checks the time. It's 02:43. He tries to go back to sleep, but his body won't have it. He goes downstairs to his kitchen and opens the fridge. He grabs the jug of milk as well as a glass cup. He pours it, takes a swig of it, but doesn't drink the whole thing. He puts the jug of milk back in the fridge and leaves the half cup of milk on the window sill incase he still can't fall asleep. As he is going back upstairs, he realizes he has left some lights on from before he went to sleep. He can't remember why they were on in the first place, so he proceeds to turn every off light that he left on. He climbs back into his cozy bed and drifts off within a half hour. He wakes up around 07:27, takes a shower, and gets ready for the day. He goes downstairs to have breakfast and sees his leftover milk from the middle of the night on the sill, but to his horror, he looks outside and sees hundreds of fresh human corpses surrounding the east end of his house. Why?

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    He was a lighthouse worker that accidentally turned his lighthouse off; The corpses were from boating accidents.

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