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Today's Riddle - A daily selection of new riddle questions
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Those who have me on stage are less satisfied than those who do not have me, for I represent a better result that they could have achieved. What am I?
View AnswerA silver medal
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- 19
When you feel me, you do not want others to hear me for I make unbidden loud noises telling others of my arrival. What am I?
View AnswerHunger
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If you went to every time zone to celebrate New Year's, how many times would you have celebrated it at?
View AnswerOnce (at Midnight)
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"My favorite treasure", said the king unbidden; Many I have, each of them hidden--; One with a chest, without a key; One with a wall, small though it be; One in a garden with what grows on vines; One in the forest with trees that are pine; Others types there are, but these clues are enough. Can you tell me the treasure, or is it too tough?
View AnswerNuts.
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When you use me, I will glam but you will never get yourself rid of me. I will be in places you didn't think I could be at but I am. What am I?
View AnswerGlitter
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Without water I am weak. I grow no stronger when I drink. I stand my ground when I thirst again, So get clear of me before then. What am I?
View AnswerCement
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- 19
I clear the name of guilty men and mixed with common items I am deadly. What am I?
View AnswerBleach/ammonia.
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- 16
There are are three things wrong wrong with this sentence. What are those three things?
View Answer1. The word 'are' is repeated. 2. The word 'wrong' is repeated. 3. The sentence creates a paradox. There are only two wrong things, the claim that there are three is false. But that is also the third thing, which makes it true.
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I can go from royalty to peasantry, Built in numbers, Luck, love, death, and riches are my specialty. Mix me and I’ll be either your best friend or your worst enemy. What am I?
View AnswerA deck of cards
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